Почнувајќи од ноември 2023, Канцеларијата на AICA Internaional спроведе три циклуси на електронско гласање за избор на нов претседател на организацијата. Во конечното гласање на 1. февруари, членството на организација ја избра Малгоржата Кажмиерчак со 407 добиени гласови, наспроти 326-те гласови за француската критичарка Матилде Роман.

Честитајќи го изборот во име на членовите на македонската секција, во продолжеток е кратката биографија на г-ѓа Малгоржата Кажмиерчак и нејзиното прво обраќање по изборот.

Malgorzata Kazmierczak has МPh.D. in History. Since 2004 is an independent curator of art projects in Poland and USA, especially performance art events. researcher and author of many essays and reviews. Lectures in Brazil, Chile, USA, South Korea, Israel, Taiwan, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Vice-president of AICA Poland and AICA International since 2020.

Dear Colleagues,

During my presidency, I would like to focus on the local sections in the spirit of today’s changes in the art discourse and practice. These include decolonization, decentralization, focus on diversity and inclusivity, sustainability and respect towards local circumstances.

I am going to strongly promote all activities that are already running – the Open Call for Projects, webinars, symposia, the Young Critics Award and e-magazine, the African UNESCO project, all publications and numerous other activities. The majority of events are going on, however, in the local AICAs. For this reason, I would like to strengthen the bond between the local sections as well as individual members and AICA International. It should also reflect in the social media policy. We ought to be proud of the local activities, as well as the presence of our members in the most prestigious international events.

For the next few weeks, I am planning to finish the already started process of establishing AICA Ecuador, to re-establish AICA Uruguay and start talking to the contacts in Perú and Georgia. I am planning to meet with the boards of some local sections or regions to be able to find a way in which they can be more visible and feel like a part of AICA International.

I am also going to meet with all the Committees. All members should be able to join them and work for all of us. I would like to establish a working group which would point out at the changes in our statute that are necessary to work more effectively. The second group I will call to work out a new system of member fees to make them fairer. 

As you may know, I am a fervent advocate for the right to freedom of artistic expression, and the transparency of decision-making processes, as well as the inclusivity and professionalism in the administrative bodies. I aspire to make this topic a top priority. I already signed a letter of protest prepared by the Censorship Committee about the situation in Slovakia. To be able to work more effectively in this field, I would like us to form alliances with organizations that are devoted to the defence of the freedom of expression. With Niilofur Farrukh, we are planning a conversation with Freemuse – an organization of human rights activists affiliated with UNESCO. This should also help in strengthening the links with our mother organization not only on the level of potential funding of the projects but also on the diplomatic level.

Of course, I am not going to achieve anything without your help. I would like to invite everyone who feels they can contribute to the activities of AICA International to contact me. 

I would also like to thank the leaving President and now an Honorary President of AICA Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves for her dedication and hard work for the last six years. It was a time of many challenges for AICA, and she left the organization stronger than ever. I will always be grateful to her for this.

Małgorzata Kaźmierczak, AICA International President